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Igor Lekomtsev – painting, graphic

Artist, Designer

Member of the Russian Union jf Designers

Full member of the Russial-Switzerland Theatre Society

All of the photos on this site are copyright protected are not to be copied or used in anyway.

All styles distinct to the artist are original and are not to be copied or replicated.  

рус / eng / deu

© 2001—2011 Игорь Лекомцев

One or two? The Sun or  the Moon?

«One or two? The Sun or the Moon?»

2006, canvas, oil, acrylic gold
100 x 80 sm.



2008, canvas, oil
60 x 80 sm.



2007, canvas, oil, acrylic
80 x 80 sm.



2007, canvas, oil, acrylic gold
20 x 20 sm.



2007, canvas, oil
120 x 100 sm.

Nearby, always

«Nearby, always»

2006, canvas, oil
100 x 80 sm.

Questions. Custodians

«Questions. Custodians»

2006, canvas, oil
100 x 80 sm.

White square

«White square»

2005, canvas, oil, oro dukato duchv gold, acrylic gold

Birth of the super new

«Birth of the super new»

2006, canvas, oil
90 x 70 sm.



2008, canvas, oil
50 x 70 sm.

Look at fire

«Look at fire»

2008, canvas, oil
100 x 80 sm.



2008, canvas, oil
60 x 80 sm.

Life in clouds

«Life in clouds»

2008, canvas, oil
50 x 70 sm.



2006, canvas, oil
80 x 80 sm.

Sun catcher

«Sun catcher»

2006, canvas, oil, сусальное золото
90 x 70 sm.

The magician starting clouds

«The magician starting clouds»

2008, canvas, oil
100 x 80 sm.

The map

«The map»

2006, canvas, oil, сусальное золото
90 x 70 sm.

Lady with a handbag and small dog

«Lady with a handbag and small dog»

2007, canvas, oil
80 x 80 sm.

Spiral. Engendering

«Spiral. Engendering»

2006, canvas, oil
100 x 80 sm.

The Island

«The Island»

2008, canvas, oil
50 x 70 sm.



2006, canvas, oil
90 x 70 sm.

Transition. State № 1

«Transition. State № 1»

2006, canvas, oil, сусальное золото
50 x 70 sm.

Transition. State № 2

«Transition. State № 2»

2006, canvas, oil, сусальное золото
50 x 70 sm.

Dream of the fisherman

«Dream of the fisherman»

2008, canvas, oil
50 x 70 sm.

NU Well also that

«NU Well also that»

2007, canvas, oil
100 x 80 sm.



2006, canvas, oil
90 х 70 sm.

Keeping the balance

«Keeping the balance»

2006, canvas, oil
100 x 80 sm.

Music of the pink flute

«Music of the pink flute»

2006, canvas, oil
100 x 120 sm.

Trumpet players

«Trumpet players»

2006, canvas, oil
100 x 80 sm.

The Door

«The Door»

2006, canvas, oil
100 x 80 sm.



2006, canvas, oil
100 x 80 sm.



2006, canvas, oil
100 x 80 sm.



2005, canvas, oil, acrylic
90 x 90 sm.

Two planets

«Two planets»

2005, canvas, oil
150 x 60 sm.

Magic of ancient books

«Magic of ancient books»

2008, canvas, oil
50 x 70 sm.

The way

«The way»

2008, canvas, oil
70 x 90 sm.



2008, canvas, oil
20 x 20 sm.

The beginning New

«The beginning New»

2008, canvas, oil
90 x 90 sm.

Line of reflection

«Line of reflection»

2008, canvas, oil
80 x 80 sm.

Angel full moon

«Angel full moon»

2008, canvas, oil
60 х 70 sm.



2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Breakfast for King

«Breakfast for King»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

The Custodian

«The Custodian»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

The fire

«The fire»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.



2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

The Infinity

«The Infinity»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Full moon. Sity

«Full moon. Sity»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Game. F. Fans

«Game. F. Fans»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Not alone

«Not alone»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

The Prana

«The Prana»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Seconds after the eclipse

«Seconds after the eclipse»

2008, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Shadow matador

«Shadow matador»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.



2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

The water

«The water»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

The attraction of the yellow river

«The attraction of the yellow river»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Mountain sky

«Mountain sky»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Prior to the beginning

«Prior to the beginning»

2009, canvas, oil,
30 x 30 sm.

One who measure the time

«One who measure the time»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

A series of line - 1

«A series of line - 1»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

A series of line - 2

«A series of line - 2»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Masquerade affair

«Masquerade affair»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 60 sm.

And said light

«And said light»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

A series of lines - 3

«A series of lines - 3»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

A series of lines - 4

«A series of lines - 4»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Keeper of the osean of dreams

«Keeper of the osean of dreams»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Three pomegranate

«Three pomegranate»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Smile looking inward

«Smile looking inward»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

A series of lines - 5

«A series of lines - 5»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Not explicitly

«Not explicitly»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Another beauty

«Another beauty»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 60 sm.

Out into the blue

«Out into the blue»

2009, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Ledy with character

«Ledy with character»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Quintessence of the element

«Quintessence of the element»

2010, canvas, oil
50 х 150 sm.

Confused angel with wings implicit

«Confused angel with wings implicit»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

And if so...

«And if so...»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Light flower

«Light flower»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 60 sm.

Apples in the night

«Apples in the night»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

What color eyes?

«What color eyes?»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Guardian of the east of the soul

«Guardian of the east of the soul»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

A series of lines - 6

«A series of lines - 6»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Dream star

«Dream star»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Himalayas. The first rays of

«Himalayas. The first rays of»

2010, canvas, oil
50 х 150 sm.

Night fairy

«Night fairy»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Above the clouds...

«Above the clouds...»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.



2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

A series of lines - 7

«A series of lines - 7»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Feathers rain

«Feathers rain»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Mist on a mountain river

«Mist on a mountain river»

2010, canvas, oil
50 х 50 sm.



2010, canvas, oil
80 х 60 sm.

Music fog

«Music fog»

2010, canvas, oil
20 х 20 sm.



2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

In the large and  the small

«In the large and the small»

2010, canvas, oil
60 х 25 sm.

Travel home

«Travel home»

2010, canvas, oil
20 х 20 sm.

Seduction and temptetion I

«Seduction and temptetion I»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.



2010, canvas, oil, acril gold
80 х 100 sm.

Seduction and temptetion II

«Seduction and temptetion II»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Leaves notes

«Leaves notes»

2010, canvas, oil, gold leaf
80 х 80 sm.

Observatin of Happyness

«Observatin of Happyness»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Keeper of silence

«Keeper of silence»

2010, canvas, oil, acril gold
80 х 80 sm.

Wind sun

«Wind sun»

2010, canvas, oil
160 х 160 sm.

Center affraction

«Center affraction»

2010, canvas, oi, acril goldl
100 х 100 sm.

It all..

«It all..»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Good day. Paris

«Good day. Paris»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Rhythm pulsed light

«Rhythm pulsed light»

2010, canvas, oil, gold leaf
80 х 80 sm.

At two moons

«At two moons»

2010, canvas, oil, gold leaf
80 х 80 sm.

Level of perseption

«Level of perseption»

2010, canvas, oil, gold leaf and acrilic gold
70 х 90 sm.



2010, canvas, oil, acricic gold
80 х 80 sm.

Mountain sound

«Mountain sound»

2010, canvas, oil
20 х 20 sm.

The flight of thought

«The flight of thought»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Secret flower

«Secret flower»

2010, canvas, oil
80 х 80 sm.

Sound crictal bell

«Sound crictal bell»

2010, canvas, oil
100 х 100 sm.

Where sleep

«Where sleep»

2010, canvas, oil
100 х 150 sm.

Time for correct thought

«Time for correct thought»

2010, canvas, oil
100 х 100 sm.

As a leaf

«As a leaf»

2010, canvas, oil
100 х 100 sm.

Appeal to wisdom

«Appeal to wisdom»

2011, canvas, oil, acrilic gold
80 х 150 sm.

The color of life

«The color of life»

2011, canvas, oil
120 х 120 sm.



2011, cardboard, acrilic gold
30 х 30 sm.

Such story

«Such story»

2011, oil on canvas,
100 х 100 sm.

One second before...

«One second before...»

2011, oil on canvas,
100 х 100 sm.

Energy of the soul

«Energy of the soul»

2011, oil on canvas, acrilic gold
100 х 100 sm.

From nowhere

«From nowhere»

2011, oil on canvas,
100 х 100 sm.

Magnet for money

«Magnet for money»

2011, oil on canvas,
100 х 100 sm.

Dance of fire

«Dance of fire»

2011, oil on canvas,
100 х 100 sm.

Создание сайта — студия ope-n-air